we’ve come up with five New Year’s resolutions that will make you feel keen to get out there and start kicking goals.

Anybody else feel like January flew by? Suddenly we’re in February, and if you’re anything like us, some of your New Year’s resolutions are trailing behind a little bit. And that’s okay! Sometimes we get so caught up in the “new year, new me” hype that we set ourselves unrealistic goals for the coming months, which only makes us feel bad when we don’t achieve them quickly enough. So we’ve come up with five New Year’s resolutions that will make you feel keen to get out there and start kicking goals.

Buy clothes for the fit, not the size tag

Hands up if you’ve ever refused to buy the size up in an item of clothing because you felt bad about not fitting into the smaller one. Yeah, our hands are up too. But 2018 is the year to start buying the clothes that fit you, not what fits your restrictive beauty ideals! Remember that the vanity sizing system differs greatly from brand to brand anyway, so you should just go for what fits well and is comfortable. The number on the tag does not affect your worth. Leaving the shop without the item you love just because you don’t want to wear a size up will only make you feel bad when shopping should be fun!

Make doable savings goals

If you spent 2017 living paycheque to paycheque, chances are you aren’t going to seamlessly shift into putting away $200 per week in 2018. So if you want to kickstart your savings without making huge lifestyle changes, try always putting your coins into a jar or rounding up every card purchase you make and putting the difference into a separate account. Watch your rainy-day fund grow with minimal effort!

Take time to centre yourself each day

Always wanted to get into meditation and mindfulness but can’t seem to carve out the time? Try utilising “dead” time instead. Take a minute or two to focus on your breathing, adjust your posture, and think calming thoughts when in the shower, waiting in line at the bank, or on public transport (just don’t miss your stop!). You’ll find yourself feeling calmer and it’s a small but manageable resolution to take a tiny bit of me-time each day.

we’ve come up with five New Year’s resolutions that will make you feel keen to get out there and start kicking goals.

Reward your body, don’t punish it

Ugh, the dreaded New Year’s fitness resolution. We all make one. But “lose 5 kilos” or “take 5 fitness classes per week” can be a little daunting, not to mention you may begin to feel shame and anger when inevitably life gets in the way and you can’t keep up with your own rigid rules. Instead, remind yourself that your body works hard to keep you healthy. You want to reward it with delicious, nourishing food and make it feel great with fun workouts, not punish it for not looking a certain way by denying it the odd treat or forcing it to run when it (and you) hates running. If you go for a walk or make a big, healthy salad, tell yourself it’s a reward for your body. This resolution is about having the right mindset for your fitness goals.

15-minute reset

Lastly, make a resolution to allow yourself a fifteen-minute reset regarding every other resolution you’ve made. Broke the diet and ate a Mars Bar? Don’t ditch clean eating, just start over in fifteen minutes. Had a weak moment and broke your no shopping rule for a new pair of mules? The budget isn’t totally blown, just don’t give up now and go spend-crazy! The point of living your day in fifteen-minute increments is that one little mistake is not the end of your resolution, and you don’t have to wait until the next day or week to start anew. Just wait fifteen minutes.
Happy resolution-keeping!


Hanna Sloan is studying a Creative and Professional Writing degree at QUT. She grew up wanting to be either a writer or a professional dancer, or both. Nothing has changed. She is passionate about performance, fashion, and social progress, and is a confirmed #NastyWoman. Hanna is the proud curator of a shoe collection surpassing sixty pairs, and always thought Andie Anderson in 'How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days' was crazy for not wanting to write about shoes for a living. In her spare time Hanna can be found devouring a book or magazine, watching 'Friends' or asking her parents for Snapchats of the family’s two beagles.

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