Fashion Weekly

"You know those people who love meeting new people? Yeah, that’s NOT you."

People are great – in teeny, tiny doses. I value my loved ones but there are (a lot of) times when I need to retreat and recharge my energy. I’m a true introvert at heart. Introverts are great listeners, deep thinkers and excellent judges of character.  If this sounds familiar to you, you’re probably an introvert too. Here are some qualities all introverts can relate to.

People are great – in teeny, tiny doses. I value my loved ones but there are (a lot of) times when I need to retreat and recharge my energy. I’m a true introvert at heart. Introverts are great listeners, deep thinkers and excellent judges of character.

If this sounds familiar to you, you’re probably an introvert too. Here are some qualities all introverts can relate to.

1. Crowds stress you out

Concerts, parties, crowded shopping centres - these are not an introvert's idea of a good time.

2. You secretly rejoice when your friend cancels plans

Introverts anticipate the inevitable burnout that comes from being 'on' so when someone cancels plans, we can't help but feel relieved - it means we're off the hook.

3. You hate small talk

Inane chit chat feels like a big waste of time to introverts. Instead, you crave deeper more meaningful connections with people that have the potential for forming long lasting relationships rather than surface-level interactions.

4. You're an excellent judge of character

I pride myself on my ability to judge a person’s character – I’ve never been wrong about someone. Because introverts listen, avoid the spotlight and seek out meaningful relationships, they are naturally excellent judges of character. You have the ability to see beyond the exterior and can see a person’s true nature pretty much from your first impression of them.

5. You have a creative outlet of some kind

There’s a reason most writers and artists are introverted types – because their minds are always working and an inner dialogue is always running, a creative outlet can be extremely productive.

6. You're very good at making yourself happy

You don’t depend on anyone else to make you happy; you’re able to find joy within yourself and in the little things around you.

7. You prefer texts over phone calls

Phone calls are an introvert’s worst nightmare. With texts, you can plan what you’re going to say in advance, but with phone calls there’s nowhere to hide.

8. You're a great listener

Introverts listen first and speak second which is an invaluable trait within relationships because introverts are often the people who others feel they can come to for advice.

People are great – in teeny, tiny doses. I value my loved ones but there are (a lot of) times when I need to retreat and recharge my energy. I’m a true introvert at heart. Introverts are great listeners, deep thinkers and excellent judges of character.  If this sounds familiar to you, you’re probably an introvert too. Here are some qualities all introverts can relate to.

9. Your alone time is precious

For introverts, alone time is like the air you breathe – non-negotiable. Introverts are notorious homebodies who are often alone but rarely ever lonely.

10. You prefer deep, meaningful relationships

When it comes to friendships, it’s all about quality over quantity. You may not have a ton of friends but that’s the way you like it. Introverts are less interested in the number of friends they have but rather are more interested in the depth of the friendships they do have.

11. You feel awkward during and after social interactions

You know those people who love meeting new people? Yeah, that’s NOT you. Social interactions – especially with strangers – are something you dread. It isn’t that you don’t like people (or maybe you do and you prefer to hang out with your dog) it’s that you tend to overanalyse social interactions. The energy it takes to be ‘on’ during social interactions can drain you down to your last drop.

12. People usually mistake you for being shy

Introverts are usually perceived as shy because they can be quiet and not as outwardly social as extroverts. But most introverts aren’t actually shy at all; they just want to invest their time and energy into the right thing rather than everything all at once.

13. You can be intense

Introverts take things (and themselves) pretty seriously. You love thinking critically, in-depth conversations and theorising about concepts. You love watching thought-provoking movies and TV shows, reading and overall seeking a deeper meaning in just about everything.

14. You over analyse EVERYTHING

Introverts think. A lot. They agonise over conversations that happened weeks ago, they worry about things that haven’t even happened yet; they imagine possible scenarios and ponder theories for the fun of it.

15. You’re extremely self-aware

You’re very in touch with your feelings and your energy level, with your emotional and mental states and with what you want and need. You know and understand yourself very well.


Emma is just your average book loving, tea drinking, story writing, narcissistic millennial on an eternal quest for the perfect t-shirt. Ever since she picked up her first copy of Dolly when she was twelve, she always knew she wanted to work in magazines. She would describe herself as a bit of a hopeless romantic with an obsession for true crime and horror and a love for red wine, whiskey or a stiff gin and tonic. When she's not binge watching Netflix or buying things she can't afford online, she spends her weekends trawling through bookstores and eating her way through Brisbane.


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