custom engagement ring 01

You change your clothes and take a bath every day. The reason for this is because you want to look fresh and new each day. However, there’s one thing that you wear every day that doesn’t change, especially when you’re married. Most importantly, your friends will not get tired of seeing you wearing it every day nor tell you to change it. And that’s the Engagement Ring. To have this memorable Engagement Ring, you have to go out of your way to create one.

Here are some things to consider when creating a unique and customize engagement rings:

1. Design

If you want your engagement ring to be unique, then it has to be a bespoke ring. There are many approaches to that. First, you can design it yourself. Try to make doodles and think about how you want the ring to look like.

If you don’t know how to design one, you have to try picking up ideas from the market and come out with your own design. Go to some well-known jewelry shops to scout for different rings. It doesn’t have to be an engagement ring. Some jewelry shops have magazines of different pieces of jewelry. Collect all the ideas or concepts of rings that you like, put them all together, and you have your own design.

For example, if you saw a ring with a unique shape or color, a ring that has a special arrangement of diamonds, or a ring that has different tones, then you can put all of them together to come out with your own design.

2. Jeweler

Find a good jeweler, like Larsen's Engagement Rings, who’ll make your custom ring. A good jeweler who has good workmanship will have elegant jewelry on their display. Ask them to show you their jewelry that’s still in the works.

This way, you’ll know if this the right jeweler for you. Perhaps, you may ask your friends to recommend one for you as well.

3. Get Into The Details

The first thing that the jeweler will do is to make a sketch of the design that you shared with them. Now, all these ideas that you collected have to form a picture. And that’s the job of the jeweler. They’ll make a sketch of the abstract concept that’s in your mind. From there, you still have the option to modify it.

The jeweler will also provide some input that’ll make it more beautiful. Some jewelers will color the sketches in order to make it more realistic. In your sketches, the materials on the ring might not have been specified yet. This is where the jeweler comes in as well.

custom engagement ring 01

Also, you might not be familiar with the materials for the creation of the ring, and you don’t have to worry about it. The jeweler can recommend the materials that’ll be used for the ring, such as:

  • gold, silver, platinum or other precious metals

  • the kind of precious stones

  • the shapes of the stones

  • the color of the stones

  • the quality of the stones

4. Finalization

With all of the ideas, concepts, and the final sketches put together, you now ask for the cost for that unique and bespoke engagement ring. Are you satisfied with the estimated cost? If it is, then the process of creating that special ring begins.

If you want the engagement ring to provide you more joy, you still have the opportunity to make some modifications. This time the jeweler will give some suggestions. You may ask him to modify it in a way that the basic concepts are still intact.

There are many jewelers with many years of experience in making jewelry that’ll help you do that. Because if you’re happy, they’re also happy.

5. Schedule

The final thing that you shouldn’t forget is to tell the jeweler the date of your engagement. In order not to rush things, while you’re courting your girlfriend, try to visit some jewelry shop and inquire about the time they need to make a custom engagement ring.


You must have a ring that’ll make you smile while wearing it. This is the reason why we want to have a ring that’s unique, elegant, and simple. A ring that reminds us of that special moment of our life. A ring that makes us want to wear it every day. More so, the engagement ring has to be unique and special enough for you to be proud to wear and show to other people. Hope that these tips were able to help you create the perfect engagement ring for you.

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