Fashion Weekly

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procastinate article 01

There are so many things you need to be doing right now. Yet it’s just so much more enticing to continue to binge watch your fave series on Netflix than doing the things we actually should be doing.

Here are just a few things we've done to procrastinate and we bet you're guilty of them too.

Rearrange every room in your house

So you've read a certain book about the life changing magic of tidying up and you know what? You've decided now would be the perfect time to put it into practice and throw out anything that doesn't spark joy. A cluttered room only leads to a cluttered mind after all, and how are you supposed to do any work if you feel like that?

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You've just received an email from ASOS informing you that they're having a sale. Sixty per cent off. Everything. After making a mental note that you really need to cancel your email subscriptions about clothing sales, you hightail it to the website. I mean, you're practically making money with those deals. Besides, you REALLY need that playsuit. You need a multi-pack of shirts that will never be the same after a single wash and you really need that zebra onesie and the cat ears headband. You know. Just in case.

Do all the quizzes

Which character from Friends am I? Which Hogwarts house would I belong to? How did I die in my past life? I've got to know! Cleaning the house can wait.


Facebook stalk people you haven't seen in years

You may have resorted to colour coordinating your wardrobe by this point, but you know what we'd love to know? How your ex is going... yep, we’re all guilty of a FB stalking spree.

Google Earth

Google Earth is basically procrastination personified - we've visited our old houses, neighbourhoods with mansions everywhere, countries we've been to, countries we've never been to and done more aerial stalking than should be legal.

Personal grooming

You've never looked at your body so critically until now. The body hair, your chipped nails, the slight monobrow that's starting to grow. Ugh. It all has to go. Now. And while you're at it, a pore strip would do wonders. And a hair mask-face mask-bubble bath-Netflix-scented candles-and IDGAF combo. Personal care is important.


Emma is just your average book loving, tea drinking, story writing, narcissistic millennial on an eternal quest for the perfect t-shirt. Ever since she picked up her first copy of Dolly when she was twelve, she always knew she wanted to work in magazines. She would describe herself as a bit of a hopeless romantic with an obsession for true crime and horror and a love for red wine, whiskey or a stiff gin and tonic. When she's not binge watching Netflix or buying things she can't afford online, she spends her weekends trawling through bookstores and eating her way through Brisbane.


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